< div class ="post-content" > A Chinese man wanted to propose his sweetheart with a distinct gemstone that truly depicted his love and affection for her. Rather of buying her a ring off the rack, he decided to make her one with a gem not found anywhere else on the planet.
craft a gemstone out of a green coloured bottle of beer.< div id=" attachment_97125 "class ="wp-caption aligncenter "> < p class ="wp-caption-text "> Image Source: Huanqiu He began by cutting a part out the thick bottom of the glass bottle to make sure that he was entrusted a bigger stone.
He proved his genius by expertly cutting the glass bottle without breaking it
using an easy set of pliers.< img src="http://allofbeer.com/wp-content/uploads/-000//1/A-Chinese-Man-Proposed-His-Girlfriend-With-An-Incredible-Gemstone-Made-From-a-Beer-Bottle_Image-2-610x369.jpg" alt= "a-chinese-man-proposed-his-girlfriend-with-an-incredible-gemstone-made-from-a-beer-bottle_image-2"width="610"height="369"class ="wp-image-97126 size-medium"> Image Source: Huanqiu
The next action reveals that he understands that things made
with love require perseverance. He patiently rubs the damaged glass piece with emery to ravel its edges. Image Source: Huanqiu Gemstones owe their luster to optical laws of Physics. Thus, it is needed for the gem cutter to be acquainted with these guidelines to make sure that the light is shown off the stone properly. This needs the skill of cutting small flat facets at exact angles on the round stone.
< div id=”attachment_97129″class=
“wp-caption aligncenter” > Image Source: Patentdoc The male did his research and picked the perfect design understood as the ‘Diamond Style’ proposed in 1919 by Marcel Tolkowsky in his publication entitled”Diamond Style: A Study of the Reflection and Refraction of Light in Diamond.’ The paper explained how the radiance of a round cut gemstone might be improved by increasing light returns with a Diamond Style.
Image Source: Huanqiu Next, he polished the flat surfaces of the stone at regular intervals using a faceting machine. Once he is done with polishing the stone, the glass stone from the green coloured bottle of beer is transformed into an intense, costly looking emerald imagined listed below.
Image Source: Huanqiu We are absolutely in love with the idea. Exactly what do you consider it? Let us know in remarks!
source http://allofbeer.com/2016/10/01/this-chinese-man-proposed-his-girlfriend-with-an-incredible-gemstone-made-from-a-beer-bottle/
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